Friday 2 September 2011

Two experiences

Hey - sorry for the double post, but I was writing this to someone and thought I might like to post it too.

Just two short experiences: 
1. We have a lad who comes to the meetings at the moment. His name is Ravi and he is 17 years old. When you meet him, he gives you a huge smile and a big hug. His coordination is not very good and I thought he had Cerebral Palsy or something. He loves coming to the meetings and never misses. Although he isn't answering yet, he sits with a big smile on his face throughout the whole thing and loves to check his understanding with you as the paragraphs are signed. Turns out, he was locked up by his family, chained to a bed for 10 years, never being allowed out of the house to mix with people, hence the lack of coordination. The brothers here met him and intervened with the family, who finally agreed to let him free. Now they love him and his nature. You would never know he had been through such trauma with the smile that is on his face.

2. We have another young lad - 14 years old - who comes to all the meetings, and who I helped prepare for his first answer the other day. Brothers used to call on him, but he never really responded and didn't seem interested in learning sign language. His parents separated and took him far off, so the brothers here didn't see him for months and months. One of the sisters bumped into his mum at the market and she said that Vishal was back in Skeldon. The brothers thought they would pop by and say hi and they found him completely changed. He was so eager to learn to sign and about Jehovah. In two months he has gone from not signing AT ALL and really despondent, to a lad who answered at the meeting on Thursday, never misses, has two studies a week and who I had to teach about the universe and the planets to the other day! He is lapping up information and signs and it has unlocked such potential in him. His parents have been so amazed by what he is learning, that they have asked us to teach them to read and write, so that they can learn more about the Bible. They go to Church, but don't understand any of it. It is so amazing to see how the gift of communication can literally change these people's lives. 

Will try to post more experiences as they happen. Sorry that the writing is a bit off, so tired!


  1. Hey Dave.

    Glad to hear all is going well. It is good to live vicariously through others, so make sure to type out as many of your stories as you can.


  2. wow - that first experience was amazing.... read it to jup tonight while he was eating his dinner and I couldnt get through it without crying!! Missing you and your humor but enjoying hearing your experiences from afar... keep up the posts... J&T xoxox
