Monday, 17 September 2012

Update - Pioneer meeting and Circuit Assmebly

Hey readers!

Quick update. We had our circuit assembly this weekend, which meant preceding it we had the pleasure of the circuit pioneer meeting. A real treat was holding it in the newly built kingdom hall in Rosignol, over the floating bridge (third largest in the world) and about an hour away. We travelled up altogether, us pioneers from Skeldon congregation. The hall is, I think, the first to be built in Guyana under the 'countries that are poor and can't build good' programme. The lads built this, another up a few towns and are now in the capital building a new one for the English, who share with the sign language.

Anyway, our motley crew of Skeldonians were proud to boast 6 new pioneers just announced, bringing our congregation ranks up to 15 in full time service - 13 regular pioneers and two missionaries. We also had two lads from America here who are visiting for two weeks - one in English and one in sign, bringing us to 17! Sadly, one of the pioneer's daughters is seriously ill at the moment and had to stay home, missing her first pioneer meeting. So, the picture below is missing dear Barbara, but she was with us in spirit.

The week also featured the Circuit Assembly. With a peak of 1044 and 24 deaf, it was a lovely weekend. The power stayed on, the rains have finished and there was a cool breeze coming off the water - happy days. We had 8 baptised, including two deaf. Three were from our cong! We are on a roll! Soon, our whole hall will be baptised! The two deaf are from New Amsterdam group and are both under 16.

 A great weekend. Our DO is Lemuel Smith from Trinidad and is hilarious. Gave some brilliant talks. Haven't got another until March now, so we can get back into ministry and routines. That said, I need to go to Suriname next week, as I only got a month at Immigration coming in, which also necessitates a trip to the capital for a visa trip. Groan. No end to interruptions.

Til the next happenings. ;)

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