I hope all is well and the wet weather isn't dampening (lol) your summer spirits. We are in the middle of our rainy season, so I am feeling your pain. Thankfully, I have finished my hours for the year (!!!) so I am just venturing out when I have to.
Speaking of venturing out, I am off on an adventure next week! I am going to a place called Charity - cue visual aids:

According to our friends at Wikipedia: "Charity is located on the Pomeroon River which provides a gateway to this part of Guyana's interior and Venezuela. Many Guyanese use this waterway to travel back and forth between Guyana and Venezuela where they work. It is a central focus for the farmers who live in this area. They bring their products to this location and from here it is transshipped to other townships such as Anna Regina and Parika, and to the capital city of Georgetown."
Blah blah...
We had our circuit visit the other week and received the visit from a missionary brother, and his wife, based in charity, as our CO was in the interior. It seems that despite Charity being a remote area, they have a blossoming sign language field - tres bizarre. Apparently, someone visited and started some deaf interest and then left (!), but the deaf keep coming. Their Sunday meeting sees about six regular deaf coming and they have no one that can interpret properly. Well, that's not true - two asl sisters have just arrived the, so they have support now.
The brother was telling me all about it and then asked if I would be willing to come up and interpret at their special assembly next weekend. He also asked if I would be willing to spend some time with their sisters and give some advice/training on catering to the very specific needs of the deaf out here (no education, no formal sign language).
So, I am off! Thankfully, I have managed to convince another sign language brother from a nearby cong and a sister to come too, as the trip is ten hours or something silly and on the river. It is quite an expensive trip too, but i am sure it will be worth it. We are going to be gone for a whole week, and are hopefully going to be able to get some river witnessing in too! (this is a dry-run for Jo coming to see if it is worth the effort, but don't tell her!)
We will be taking lots of pictures and you will be receiving them upon my return post-25th June.
Ta ta for now, smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast.
I seek nothing but adventure.....find it and report back asap x