Oh well, onwards and upwards. Memorial today. I hope everyone has a lovely day and good attendances. We have to travel with all of the deaf to a combined sign language memorial. Slight shame as it means we can't attend our actual congregation. I have sent my camera with someone so I can live vicariously!
Off to the market as having a lunch at mine tomorrow with everyone from sign language. Miss you all.
Hey Daveo (thought Id try out an Aussieism) Great as always reading your Blog (I especially like the Ant carrying a rock post... Short and to the point but profound, evocative and encouraging all at once!) Memorial was lovely.. 254 in attendance and Mike Brown gave the talk.. always a special and emotional time of the year. We missing you very much .... we collected our hugs from Sally a few weeks back!! Looking forward to catching up in person one day soon (we hope - any ideas when you back to England yet?) Big Hugs and Kisses from Jup and Me!!! Txx