Has been a while since my last post. It has been a hectic old time of it, with Circuit Assembly up coast, District Convention for us, a trip out for a visa renewal and then the glorious arrival of my sister! Yes folks, Jo came to see me in Guyana. It was equal parts weird and lovely to have my twin sitting next to me in a hammock, on a bus or a boat.
I have been struggling a little of late with a whole variety of things, but Jo's being here really helped (though dont tell her that). It has felt stale at times, felt like the grass is greener over in London and there have been some times when I have wondered if it is all worth it. Well, thanks to Jo, some of that has been alleviated, ideas created to address or new perspectives gained. I am not saying I am now staying here forever, but if I leave I won't do so with a few of the negatives that have been in my head of late.