Monday, 27 February 2012

Leaving party for DC and Sarah

Slightly belated, but I have only just got the photos.

DC and Sarah left these shores about a month ago so we had a party. The place it was hosted in is going to be my new apartment in a week or so, so I thought it was easy way of showing what it looks like (and it's party potential).

DC and Sarah

Super sign language crew

Sweetest kid in the world - he loves me more than his own family!

My sign language kids doing a skit of Moses and Arron and the golden calf

Me and Luke! He and his wife are English! Neighbouring cong and returning to Blighty in a week or two. Will miss em

I have a pole in the middle of my living room!


Michael, my study who is baptized but finishing the lv book, reading for the first time in the congregation study - he is only 15! He is the one who has massacred my hair!

Amy and Trisha with some kids they study with. I don't actually know who is deaf here, but the whole family enjoys coming out and sticking and pasting. Amy leaves this week to go home for three or so months - we will miss you!

Post-beach trip - on the way back from out beach day the other week. I was able to work as the conductor on the bus, shouting out the window and taking money from passengers. Really white legs!

My Guyanese face.

Lastly, I hurt my arm and had a real life cut. One of my studies and his mum forced me to allow them to paste some strange red liquid (it wasn't blood, I asked) with a feather. It worked, but still a bit suspicious. I look really weird in this pic...

That's all for now folks

A real live snake!

Hi all

Can't remember if I have mentioned this, but I saw a humungous snake!

'twas walking towards my study's house an was met with half the village kids all by the trench screaming. Turns out there was a man chasing a snake in the water with a cutlass (pirate sword).

He actually got it, so we were treated to a little victory parade where one could view the snake, which was still alive, writhing with its guts spilling out. Nice!


Sunday, 26 February 2012

I almost cried...

Today I cut my own hair, as I have been doing for the last six months. After getting the usual mono-length cut achieved with my clippers, one of my teenage studies popped round. He offered to tidy up the edges. Oh I was sooooo stupid to trust...

My new Guyanese haircut! (with the very unpenitent looking Michael)

Now sporting a very indian haircut. This was the day of the meeting too - cheers Michael! Look like a monk!

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Come see the iguana!

This was what met me in arriving at a study's house yesterday. His little brother came out to meet me all excited about the iguana his daddy had caught. When I asked to see them, I was led through to the kitchen and shown a pot - it seems they eat iguana here and it is a delicacy!

Despite my frantic efforts, I was made to eat iguana curry and rice...Mmm. Sitting on the bench outside their house, I forced this curry down my throat whilst the family regarded a five foot snake that someone just found and killed and was parading. The iguana was bony and had hardly any meat, it even still had bits of green skin on that i was supposed to eat also! I must say, not one of my favorites from this land of Guyana.

Short note of apology for the recent 'chunks' of blogging. My iPad (yes!) doesn't like me composing offline and then pasting in, as it seems to lose its formatting markup. Will try to remedy this post haste.

Love you all.x

Zone Visit... Belated

Last weekend saw the the three territories of Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago gathering together for the Zone Visit. The programme was filmed in Trinidad and beamed by the wonder of the Interweb to over 23 different sites. It almost different happen.

For days before, various brothers and I had come together to liaise with the brothers in Trinidad to get the feed coming through a special portal site. Despite all efforts, the download speed could carry neither video nor sound. With vexation rising, we gave up and figured we would have to just use the audio-only backup system. On the day of the talks, again we tried in vain. 5 minutes before the programme was due to start we were still on the phone to Trinidad, who had no way of helping us at that point. Just as it was about to start, with us plugged into the audio only, we thought we would hit the refresh button one last time.

Thank you Jehovah! Up came a perfect picture of the brother walking onto the platform to start proceedings and his voice came through crystal clear with no delay!!! It ran for the whole programme with no issues whatsoever. I never believe these experiences when I read them, but now I am a convert! 

The programme was enjoyed by over 18,000 across the three territories, including translation into sign language, Carib, Chinese and some other languages that I can't remember. I had the privilege of doing most of the interpreting for our deaf, of which there were about 40. Due to this I missed most of the content, but I was able to record an audio of the whole presentation to review later. It was so nice to be part of the first joint-presentation for Guyana, as they only last year came under the auspice of Trinidad Branch. Despite the flooding mentioned in my previous post, the turn out was really good, filling out the rented school hall. Definitely one to remember.

As I go through the talk, I will try to post some factoids about the progress here in Guyana and our sister islands.